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“Galgenberg” – Gallows hill


The name „Galgenberg“ (gallows hill) is a reminder of the fact that executions took place right here in front of the old city’s gate. The last execution happened in the year 1725. The community center of Fürstenwalde, called “Fürstenwalder Hof“, is located right next to the former gallows hill. It includes a restaurant with garden seating and Fürstenwalde’s biggest public hall.
It has a long history. Before the year of 1882 it was called “Berghalle”, after that “Wilhelmshöhe”. It received its current name in 1922. In the beginning of 1933, an adjacent building was used by Nazis for torture. In 1997 the building was fully refurbished and the nearby hill became a public park that is accessible for everyone. You can still visit it today. Since then a statue of a raven created by Werner Menzel represents the history of this historic place. It was commissioned by the city of Fürstenwalde.


Übersetzung: Leni Henke, Charlotte Liebe, Meike Philipp, Melvin Zemmrich, Klasse 8 a
Die Übersetzung ist entstanden im Rahmen des Projekts "Historic Sights of Fürstenwalde – an Approach to Mediation" im Schuljahr 2018/19 am Katholischen Schulzentrum Bernhardinum.